Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Our Integrity Is Integral

The success of the firm is determined not solely by the deals we make or clients we acquire, but also by the everyday actions and behaviors of our most critical asset: our people.

That’s why we’ve designed a Code of Conduct to empower our people to show up for the firm, our clients, and each other with integrity – and, as a result, continue to drive the business forward.

Our Core Values

Our core values, which capture the spirit of our 14 Business Principles, combine over 150 years of experience, resulting in actionable practices that inform our decision-making every day. 

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Our People

Our people set Goldman Sachs apart. The firm’s success relies on our ability to create a safe, inclusive, and respectful workplace where everyone is empowered to grow and excel.

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Our Firm

We apply the highest ethical standards to our work. Our reputation, and the future of the firm, rely on our collective commitment to creating value and driving results honestly and with integrity.

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Our Clients

Our clients’ interests always come first. We protect their privacy and take pride in the fact that they choose to do business with us.

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Our Communities

The work we do at Goldman Sachs affects the world beyond our walls. Our actions, both as a collective and as individuals, have the power to impact our firm’s reputation and our communities’ prosperity.

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The firm’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics links to various internal resources, policies and procedures. Effective February 22, 2024, the Code was updated to modify language to further emphasize individual accountability and the firm’s three lines of defense structure, as well as certain changes to more accurately reflect the firm’s underlying policies and procedures.