Global Compliance

Protects the reputation of the firm and managing risk across all business areas.

Global Compliance manages the firm’s compliance, regulatory and reputational risks by ensuring adherence to laws, rules and regulations. We monitor trends and changes in regulations in all jurisdictions in which the firm does business, and we develop and implement firmwide policies and procedures. In addition to advising the firm’s businesses, Global Compliance is responsible for managing audits and inquiries, educating our people on our policies and procedures, surveillance and testing the firm’s risk management infrastructure.

Compliance is organized broadly into several groups, which are embedded into the areas they support, and centralized compliance groups, which survey risks and manage regulatory affairs, services and resources related to all businesses and employees of the firm globally. These centralized groups include:

  • Control Room
  • Core Compliance
  • Financial Crime Compliance: comprised of, among other groups, the Anti-Money Laundering/Suspicious Activities Group, the Government Sanctions Group and the Anti-Bribery Group
  • Global Compliance Employee Services
  • Global Compliance Testing Group
  • Regional Regulatory Affairs
  • Regulatory Practice Group
  • Regulatory Reporting
  • Surveillance Analytics
  • Engineering: Engineering is at the critical center of our businesses. Our engineers are solving challenging problems using innovative strategic thinking and the latest technologies – read more
Highlights From the Careers Blog

We created Goldman Sachs University to help our people grow professionally – starting with their orientation and integration into the firm and continuing with ongoing development over the course of their careers.


From ongoing feedback to diverse talent programs, we’re committed to empowering our people to drive their own development and expand their horizons.


We emphasize an apprenticeship culture in which our junior team members learn by working closely with seasoned professionals. We believe this is critical to developing the next generation of Goldman Sachs leaders.